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Photography Tips & Techniques

Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter! Below, you'll find a selection of my essential photography guides available for download. Feel free to explore and enhance your skills. Happy shooting!

Bree Hulme Education White Balance Guide for Family Photographers

Mastering White Balance for Natural Light Photography: Achieve Perfect Colours in Every Shot!

Let’s talk white balance. Specifically, setting custom white balance for natural light photographers and why this is will take your photography to the next level.

White balance refers to the process of removing or neutralising colour casts in your images.

This guide will help to understand how to adjust the white balance of your images in two ways:

  • In camera, before taking a shot
  • Afterward, in post-processing

Read my free white balance guide to help you get one step closer to better photos.

Mastering White Balance for Natural Light Photography: Achieve Perfect Colours in Every Shot!

Whether you’re a seasoned natural light photographer or just starting out, this guide will guide you through getting your white balance right and take your photography to the next level.

Learn how to adjust white balance in two simple ways: in-camera or during post-processing. Discover the power of setting a custom white balance using a grey card. Say goodbye to muddy shadows, sickly highlights, and inconsistent skin tones.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting a custom white balance in-camera and guide you through how to fine-tune your white balance using popular software like Lightroom. In post-production.

Save time and streamline your workflow by starting with a solid white balance foundation. Download the White Balance Guide now and take your natural light photography to new heights. Unlock the true potential of your images and wow your clients with stunning, true-to-life colours. Start creating your masterpiece today!

Harnessing Ai for Newborn and Family Photographers Bree Hulme Education Free Downloads

Using AI in your family and newborn photography business can help you stay ahead of the completion, give you clear and effective communication and save you time.

This guide will help to understand how to use AI technologies to:

  • Write blog posts,
  • Develop clear and effective communications with your clients, and
  • Generate social media captions.

Read my free Harnessing AI guide to help you get one step closer to running a better business.

In the ever-evolving world of photography, staying ahead of the game and utilising the latest technology can give your newborn and family photography business a competitive edge. Saving time within your business, having polished and professional copy on your communications and being consistent in your messaging are all crucial to running a successful business.

One powerful tool that can elevate your services is AI, such as ChatGPT. This advanced language model developed by OpenAI can streamline various aspects of your business, from blog post creation to client communication. Let’s explore three exciting ways you can incorporate ChatGPT into your workflow, taking your photography business to new heights:

  1.  Blog Post Creation
  2. Social Media Captions and hashtag creation
  3. Client Communications

Read my Harnessing AI Guide to take your newborn and family photography business to the next level.

Family Posing Guide Bree Hulme Education

Learning to master your posing is one of the crucial aspects of running a successful family photography business. A good pose communicates connection, love, emotion and relationships between your subjects.

In this family posing guide I detail my top poses for families.

One of the key components of running a succesful family photography business is mastering posing. If you can master your posing and your posing workflow, you can deliver consistent results every time.

Learning how to pose families for their family portraits is essential in being able to offer a full and varied gallery to your clients. One full of connection, emotion and joy. Posing can ensure you capture these crucial aspects for every family.

In this Family Posing Guide I detail the top 6 poses I use with all my family portraits clients ensuring that I deliver the best gallery possible with every client.


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